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One millimeter is just enough 

  • Grand selskapslokaler (map)

Sometimes one millimeter is more than enough. Three researchers show how important information can be gleaned from tiny components and is it really that dangerous if the sea rises a few millimeters a year? 

  • Harald Sodemann, GFI, UIB
    Why bringing back some snow from Easter vacation can help us to better predict floods

  • Kristin Richter, NORCE
    Noen millimeter havnivåstigning i året, har det noe å si? Vår havnivåekspert setter det hele i perspektiv.

  • Nil Irvali, Geo UiB
    Looking back to the childhood of the industrial revolution, Nil Irvali is tracing human footprints in marine sediments.

This event is part of Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research’s open conferance. See the rest of the programme here

14 March

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14 March

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