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What is Big Oil’s responsibility for the climate crisis?

  • Hovedsalen, Kulturhuset i Bergen (map)

In May 2021, a Dutch Court ordered the oil and gas major Shell to cut its greenhouse gas emissions from production and end-use with 45 percent by 2030, to avoid dangerous climate change. A similar court case is lodged against Total in France. In the US, oil and gas majors are being sued for the costs of adaption measures because they have misled the public about the climatic consequences of their products since the 1970s. We ask: what responsibility does Equinor bear?

Join us for a conversation with the “rock star” of climate litigation, Roger Cox, attorney for Milieudefensie in the case against Shell.

The conversation will be held in English.

Våren 2021 ble olje- og gasselskapet Shell dømt av en domstol i Nederland til å kutte sine klimagassutslipp, inklusive fra solgt olje- og gass, med 45 prosent innen 2030. Tilsvarende søksmål er underveis i Frankrike mot Total, og i USA saksøkes olje- og gasselskaper for å erstatte kostnader til klimatilpasning fordi de har misledet befolkningen om konsekvensene av utslippene siden 70-tallet. Hvilket ansvar har Equinor?

Med oss i samtalen har vi en superstjerne innen klimajuss, Roger Cox, advokaten til Milieudefensie i saken mot Shell. 

Samtalen vil bli holdt på engelsk.

Roger Cox, Attorney - climate change litigator, author Revolution Justified
Claes Åbyholm, Chief climate and sustainability counsel, Equinor

Moderator: Jenny Sandvig, Policy director, Norway’s National Human Rights Institution

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